**Hello. Thank you for finding my page and exploring my work. Unfortunately, I am currently full and do not have a waiting list. I will have openings from time to time and will respond to the most recent email inquiries. Feel free to email me to check about any potential upcoming availability at katecadoux@gmail.com . Please note, I will not be able to respond to voicemail inquiries.**
Welcome. I'm glad you're here.
The task of being fully human is not an easy one. Most of us need some support along the way. If you find that you have arrived at a juncture in your life where a deep voice within you is calling you to confront your inner obstacles to growth and change, I am happy to engage in the journey with you.
You should know that I believe that you hold within you all of the personal wisdom that you need in order to heal old wounds and step into a version of yourself that is grounded in truth, acceptance, strength, self-love and authenticity. I employ a deeply relational and experiential approach to help you encounter and embody that wisdom.
Please scroll over the boxes below to learn more about my therapeutic orientation and a few clinical issues I work with
Eating Disorder Recovery
I work with adolescents, teens, and adults of all genders in long-term eating disorder recovery. I draw on many different modalities to assist in creating holistic recovery for the mind, body, and spirit.
To learn more about my experienced approach to Eating Disorder Recovery Click Here
about Kate
I happily meet with adolescents, adults, and couples in Medford, Oregon.
To learn more about me Click Here
clinical services & therapeutic approach
Some clinical issues I focus on in my work:
Abuse and Trauma recovery
Relationship issues
Grief and Loss
Anxiety and panic attacks
Eating and Body Image Issues
Pervasive self-criticism and poor self-esteem.
Ritual and Rites of Passage
To learn more about my clinical specialities and therapeutic approach Click Here